Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Simple Backyard Chicken Coop (Seattle)

Originally Uploaded by ronbo
This small white coop is perfect for a backyard with limited space. It is just the right size to house a few chickens, who will, no doubt, find all of the straw bedding comfortable. This coop is simple, but efficient.
Links to Chicken Breeds on Auntie's blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coop Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Chicken Coops, Chicken Coop pics, Chicken Coop Ideas, Chicken Coop pictures, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

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