Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Simple Backyard Chicken Coop (Seattle)

Originally Uploaded by ronbo
This small white coop is perfect for a backyard with limited space. It is just the right size to house a few chickens, who will, no doubt, find all of the straw bedding comfortable. This coop is simple, but efficient.
Links to Chicken Breeds on Auntie's blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coop Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Chicken Coops, Chicken Coop pics, Chicken Coop Ideas, Chicken Coop pictures, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Tall Red Coop with Run (Seattle)

Originally Uploaded by ronbo
Great, tall chicken coop with fenced run, complete with window flower boxes. It's convenient to have a coop this tall, as you can enter it comfortably to collect eggs and clean. Sign on the door says, "Ladies".
Links to Chicken Breeds on Auntie's blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coop Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Chicken Coops, Chicken Coop pics, Chicken Coop pictures, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Little Red Chicken Coop with Run

Originally Uploaded by aehack
This is the perfect size for a few chickens in the backyard. The builder was wise to raise the coop and run off of the ground. It also looks very sturdy and predator resistant.
Links to Chicken Breeds on Auntie's blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coop Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Chicken Coops, Chicken Coop pics, Chicken Coop Ideas, Chicken Coop Designs, Chicken Coop pictures, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Darling Chicken Coop Built from Recycled Materials

Originally Uploaded by lord marmalade
Love the windows in this adorable chicken coop. It's also great that it is made almost entirely of recycled materials. Lucky chickens who live here!
Links to Chicken Breeds on Auntie's blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coop Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Chicken Coops, Chicken Coop pics, Chicken Coop pictures, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Chicken Coop Built from Salvaged Wood

Originally Uploaded by Dirk Bruin
This fantastic chicken coop was built from wood found on the beach. Great example of recycling! Note that it is raised off of the ground, which is a good way to keep dampness and pests out.
Links to Chicken Breeds on Auntie's blog:
Wyandotte / Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Laced Wyandotte
Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Coop Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Chicken Coops, Chicken Coop pics, Chicken Coop pictures, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Faverolles Chickens

Salmon Faverolle Chicks

Salmon Faverolle Hen

Salmon Faverolle Rooster

Faverolles were developed in France in the early 1800's. Although rare, Faverolles are enjoying an increased popularity among backyard flock owners. The most popular type of this chicken breed is the Salmon Faverolle. The Faverolle (Faverolles) rooster is straw, black and reddish colored, while the Faverolle hen has creamy white and salmon colored feathers. Faverolles are hardy in both the heat and cold, and are very docile and friendly. Faverolles lay medium sized off-white to creamy tinted eggs. Faverolles also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Wyandotte / Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Laced Wyandotte
Faverolles Chicken, Faverolle Chicken Breed, Faverolles, Faverolle, Favorolle, Faverolle photo, Faverolle picture, Faverolle Temperament, Faverolles Personality, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Golden Campine / Silver Campine Chickens

Golden Campine Chicks

Golden Campine Hen

Silver Campine Roosters

Golden Campine Rooster

Campine chickens are an ancient breed, but were specifically bred in Belgium in the 1800's. Campines come in two primary varieties: Golden Campines and Silver Campines. Campines are entertaining due to their inquisitive nature and in general, are friendly, but some Campines can be flighty and nervous. Campines tend to be hardy, but their combs can be subject to frostbite. Both Golden Campines and Silver Campines lay medium sized white eggs. Campines also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Campine chickens, Campines, Golden Campine, Silver Campine, Campine photo, Campine picture, Campine Chicken Breed, Golden Campine Temperament, Silver Campine Temperament, Campine Personality, Golden Campines, Silver Campines, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Andalusian Chickens

Blue Andalusian Chick

Blue Andalusian Hen

Blue Andalusian Rooster

Andalusian chickens were developed in the mid 1800's in Spain. Andalusians come in three varieties: Blue, Black, and White. Andalusian chickens are generally hardy and can tolerate heat well, but in very cold weather, their combs are subject to frostbite. In terms of temperament, Andalusians are active, flighty, and nervous and do not seek much human contact. Andalusians lay large white eggs. Andalusians also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Andalusian chickens, Andalusians, Blue Andalusians, Andalusian photo, Andalusian picture, Andalusian Chicken Breed, Andalusian Temperament, Andalusian Personality, Andilusan, Andilusian, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dorking Chickens

Silver Gray (Grey) Dorking Chick

Silver Gray (Grey) Dorking Hen

Colored Dorking Rooster

Dorkings are an ancient breed, perhaps having been introduced into England by the Romans. The most common color for Dorkings is silver gray (grey), but white, red, and a colored variety also exist. Dorkings tend to be delicate and aren't always hardy, especially in heat, but do well in cooler climates. Dorking chickens are very docile and friendly and lay medium size white eggs. Dorkings also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Dorking Chickens, Dorking Chicken Breed, Dorkings, Dorking photo, Dorking picture, Dorking, Dorking Temperament, Dorking Personality, Silver Gray Dorking, Silver Grey Dorking, Silver Dorking, Colored Dorking, Red Dorking, White Dorking, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Araucana Chickens

Araucana Blue Egg

Araucana Chick

Araucana Hen

Lavender Araucana Rooster

Araucana chickens are thought to have originated in Chile. Araucanas come in a variety of colors: black, silver, white, red, blue, buff and more recently, lavender. Araucanas tend to be friendly and calm and are well adapted to both the heat and the cold. Araucanas lay small blue eggs, and are often confused with Ameraucanas (Ameraucana / Easter Egger). Ameraucanas lay medium to large size blue and green tinted eggs, whereas Araucanas only lay small blue eggs. Araucanas also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Wyandotte / Silver Laced Wyandotte, Golden Laced Wyandotte
Araucana Chickens, Araucana Chicken Breed, Araucanas, Araucana photo, Araucana picture, Araucana, Araucana Temperament, Araucana Personality, Aracana, Auracana, Aracanas, Blue Eggs, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.