Friday, February 29, 2008

Leghorn Chickens

White Leghorn Chick

White Leghorn Hen

White Leghorn Rooster

Leghorn chickens come in a wide variety of colors: dark brown, buff, silver, black, red, with white being the most popular. These chickens lay huge amounts of white eggs that are medium to large in size. Although they can be shy and nervous, these birds are incredible egg producers and are hardy, though their large combs can be subject to frostbite in very cold climates. Leghorns also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Leghorn Chickens, White Leghorn Chickens, White Leghorn photo, White Leghorn picture, Leghorn, Leghorns, Leghorn Temperament, Leghorn Personality, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Plymouth Rock / Barred Rock Chickens

Plymouth Rock / Barred Rock Chick

Plymouth Rock / Barred Rock Hen

Plymouth Rock / Barred Rock Rooster
Plymouth Rock / Barred Rock chickens are an old American breed and come in a variety of colors: barred (most common), white, buff, and silver. Very docile and calm, Plymouth Rocks / Barred Rocks are a wonderful addition to a flock, laying large brown eggs, and are extremely hardy, especially in cold climates. Because of their kind personality, Plymouth Rocks / Barred Rocks are an excellent choice for children to raise. Plymouth Rocks / Barred Rocks also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Plymouth Rock Chickens, Barred Rock Chickens, Plymouth Rock photo, Plymouth Rock picture, Barred Rock photo, Barred Rock picture, Plymouth Rocks, Barred Rocks, Plymouth Rock Temperament, Barred Rock Temperament, Barred Rock Personality, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick , Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Buff Orpington Chickens

Buff Orpington Chick

Buff Orpington Hen

Buff Orpington Rooster

Buff Orpingtons are a very popular breed for backyard flocks. They are extremely friendly birds, love people, and even seem to enjoy being picked up and carried around the yard. They are great chickens for children as Orpingtons might well possess the sweetest personality of the popular backyard chicken breeds. Buff Orpingtons are very hardy in all weather conditions and lay medium to large size brown eggs. Orpingtons also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Orpington Chicken, Orpingtons, Buff Orpingtons, Orpington Breed, Buff Orpington, Buff Orpington Photo, Buff Orpington picture, Buff Orpington, Buff Orpingtons, Buff Orpington Temperament, Buff Orpington Personality, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens.

Ameraucana Chickens (The Easter Egg Chickens)

Ameraucana Blue Eggs

Ameraucana Chick

Ameraucana Hen

Ameraucana Rooster
Ameraucana chickens are wonderful backyard flock members. They are friendly and can sometimes be shy, but seem to enjoy human company. Ameraucanas tend to be hardy in both cold and hot climates and come in a variety of colors, including white and gray, buff, and dark brown. Ameraucana hens lay beautiful blue and/or green eggs, which are medium to large in size. Ameraucanas are often confused with Araucanas (Araucana), which only lay small blue eggs. Ameraucanas also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Ameraucana Chicken, Ameraucana Chicken Breed, Ameraucana photo, Ameraucana picture, Easter Egger, Easter Egger Chicken, Easter Egg Chickens, Easter Egger Photo, Ameraucanas, Americanas, Americana chicken, Ameracana, Ameracanas, Americana Chicken, Ameraucana Temperament, Americana Temperament, Ameraucana Personality, Blue Eggs, Green Eggs, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Buff Brahma Chickens and Dark Brahma Chickens

Buff Brahma Chick

Dark Brahma Rooster and Hen

Buff Brahma Hen

Buff Brahma Rooster
Like Light Brahma chickens (Light Brahma ), both Buff and Dark Brahma chickens are excellent breeds for backyard flocks. Non-aggressive, gentle, and large, Buff Brahmas and Dark Brahmas lay medium size brown eggs and enjoy being around people. Because of their copious feathers, Brahma breeds tend to do well in colder climates. Brahma chickens also have feathered legs. The gentle Brahma personality makes this chicken breed an excellent choice for children. Buff and Dark Brahmas also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Buff Brahma, Dark Brahma, Buff Brahmas, Dark Brahmas, Buff Brahma Chicken, Dark Brahma Chicken, Dark Brahma photo, Buff Brahma photo, Dark Brahma picture, Buff Brahma picture, Brahma Chicken, Buff Brahmas, Dark Brahmas, Buff Brahma Temperament, Dark Brahma Temperament, Dark Brahma Personality, Buff Brama, Dark Brama, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens.

Light Brahma Chickens

Light Brahma Chicks

Light Brahma Hen

Light Brahma Rooster

Light Brahma chickens are a wonderful breed for backyard flocks. Light Brahmas produce medium size brown eggs and tend to be rather large birds. The Light Brahma breed is good-tempered, enjoys interacting with people, and is not aggressive toward other chickens. Though not as smart as Rhode Island Reds, Light Brahmas are a great addition to any flock with their mild manner and stunning black and white feathers. Brahma chickens also have feathered legs. The gentle Brahma personality makes this chicken breed an excellent choice for children. Light Brahmas also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Light Brahma Chicken, Light Brahma Chicken Breed, Light Brahmas, Light Brahma, Brahma, Light Brahma photo, Light Brahma picture, Light Brahmas, Light Brahma Temperament, Light Brahma Personality, Light Brama, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.

Rhode Island Red Chickens / Rhodies

Rhode Island Red Chick

Rhode Island Red Rooster

Rhode Island Red Hen

Rhode Island Reds are very interactive chickens and are wonderful producers of medium to large size brown eggs. Though social and people oriented, they can become aggressive, especially the roosters. Overall, Rhode Island Reds are great birds to have in a backyard flock with their consistent egg production, hardiness (Rhode Island Reds are extremely hardy in both hot and cold climates), interest in people, and their entertaining antics (Rhodies have individual personalities that are endearing). Rhode Island Reds also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Links to other Chicken Breeds on this blog:
Ameraucana / Easter Egger
Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Red Chicken, Rhode Island Reds, Rhodies, Rhodie Chickens, Rhode Island Red photo, Rhode Island Red picture, Rhode Island Red Chicken Breed, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Red Temperament, Rhode Island Red Personality, Poultry, Backyard Flock, Backyard Chickens, Chicken Breeds, Chicken Photos, Chicken Images, Chicken Coop, Hatchery, Hen, Rooster, Chick, Raising Chickens, Chicken pics.